Accounting Services

1) Full set accounts on monthly (from $500), quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis

2) Group consolidation report for group of companies

3) Prepare and customise of financial report for the management

4) Monthly / quarterly / Yearly Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet audit schedules such as fixed assets register , deposit , accrual , prepayment , other debtors , other creditors , provision for taxation , provision for bonus etc.

5) General ledger journal entries for accrual , prepayment , assets depreciation and other adjusting journal entries.

6) Accounting for Input GST , Output GST and reconciliation of net GST payable/receivable to/from IRAS in the quarterly return.

7) Group Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet consolidation and reporting.

8) Year-end budgeting , forecasting and cash flow for management reporting.